Eucci, On Verdant Shores

  1. Verdant Morning Marketplace
  2. Fountainalia
  3. Somefey, All Dreams of Stage and Hero
  4. Late Night on East Beverly
  5. The Cast on Juliette's Balcony
  6. Hubconplex
  7. Plikklr2
  8. Later Still, In Rich Pursuit
  9. 97 Closer
  10. Trinity Ebenezer
  11. Fountainalia Extended Treatment

A magical springtime in LGL Point gives birth to this warm ambient collection. Suitable for mornings at the market, evenings at the theater, late night walks around the old churches, and later nights running between the clubs. There's even room for meeting up at the mall fountain and relaxing in the spa. Then it's back on the ferry and the train and the cold life of the city, so you want to wrap those memories up and take them in your pocket. On Verdant Shores has you covered when those Spring getaways are too far ahead or too far behind. These are the sounds of forever, from Fey glades to running down the alley behind the movie house.

For Ofiliasc.

All material by JPS for Eucci.

© 2016, ℗ 2016 Eucci, Rive.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.